Registration -
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  • Note: Early Payment Discount is computed by the registration form and will be adjusted automatically. 

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  • Parent Information

  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Child Information

  • Child 1
  • Child 1 Registration
  • Special Promotional pricing expires on June 15th, all registrations must be paid in full by June 15 to qualify for the promotional pricing.

  • Child 2
  • Child 2 Registration
  • Special Promotional pricing expires on June 15th, all registrations must be paid in full by June 15 to qualify for the promotional pricing.

  • Child 3
  • Child 3 Registration
  • Special Promotional pricing expires on June 15th, all registrations must be paid in full by June 15 to qualify for the promotional pricing.

  • Scholarship Fund

  • Payment Information

    Lunch and snacks are included.
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  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Chabad of Sunnyvale, PO BOX 2118, Sunnyvale CA 94087-0118
    Billing Address
  • Registration Terms, Conditions & Waivers

  • Health Guidelines

    I agree to follow all the health guidelines in place at camp this this summer, and to not bring my children to camp if they are displaying a fever, vomiting, diarrhea or other flu symptoms.

    Parental Consent

    Parental consent for participation in all activities of Camp Gan Israel is fully implied unless specifically excluded during the registration process. 

    Payments & Cancellations

    All camp registrations require payment in full prior to June 15th. Should payment not be satisfied in full, space in the program is not saved and your child may lose their place in our program.

    Refund policy:

    Cancelations Prior to June 20th : If cancelation results in no attendance at Camp Gan Israel for this child, all camp fees will be refunded minus the $100 registration fee. If child is still attending some weeks, refund will be in full, minus a $25 fee for each canceled week.

    Cancelations After June 20th : 25% refund of weeks of camp canceled.
    Change of weeks: $25 fee per week.

    Please Note: We are unable to offer any refunds for illness of a camper that prevents him/her from attending our program. If Camp Gan Israel is forced to cancel or temporarily close a program due to an infection, Camp Gan Israel will offer a full refund for unused days (prorated) to all campers affected. Only those campers (and siblings) who are directly affected by the closure will be offered a refund. 

    Dismissal of a Camper

    Camp Gan Israel reserves the right to dismiss, at its sole discretion, any camper whose condition, conduct, influence or behavior is deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interests of the camp or fellow campers or who violates camp rules and regulations, in which case no refunds will be made.

    Medical Care

    In the event of an emergency, serious illness, or accident, Camp Gan Israel has permission to arrange for any necessary first-aid or care by a licensed physician for any child/ren attending camp. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian and emergency contacts first. Should it be necessary for the well-being of the camper to utilize outside medical or dental services all expenses involved will be paid for by the parent. 

    Parents are required to notify CGI in a timely manner of any infectious diseases or infestations acquired by a camper during their participation at camp.

    Images Etc.

    Unless I state otherwise (in the form of an email or other written format), I give Camp Gan Israel & Chabad of Sunnyvale the right to use in promoting the Camp and in other ventures directly relating to the Camp including the Camp Gan Israel Facebook page (i) digital, photographic, video, and audio images or likenesses of camper; and (ii) statements, articles, names, music, art, photographs, audio recordings, films and videos created by Camper or originating from Camp or from a Camp-related activity.

    Indemnify & Hold Harmless

    I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Camp Gan Israel, Chabad of Sunnyvale and its officers, employees, volunteers or assigns from any liability concerning my child’s involvement in camp and further agree that the use of any premises during the program is made at my own risk.

    By checking the box below, I certify that I have legal capacity to act as the parent/guardian of the named minor. I further understand that the terms of this agreement are legally binding and certify that I am signing this agreement, after having carefully read it, of my own free will.

  • Accident

    As the parent(s) or legal guardian of my/our child, I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of Camp Gan Israel to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child; I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Camp Gan Israel personnel will try, but are not required to communicate with me prior to such treatment.
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  • Trips & Outings

    I hereby give permission for my child to attend and participate in all trips and outings organized as part of the program by Camp Gan Israel.
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  • Privacy

    I hereby give permission for my child’s photographs/videos to be used for educational or promotional purposes, which include but are not limited to, brochures, Camp Gan Israel and Chabad of Sunnyvale website and Camp Gan Israel and Chabad of Sunnyvale social media. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
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