  • JLI:Decoding the TalmudInside the Story, Substance, and Significance of the Book that Defines Judaism Details here.
  • Rosh Chodesh Society: A Work of HeartHow Jewish Prayer Unites Heaven and Earth Details here.
  • Hebrew SchoolChabad Hebrew School offers a friendly and stimulating environment, where children can embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride. Read More
Chabad is one of the largest and fastest growing Jewish educational organizations, with over 3,700 centers worldwide—from Shanghai to Hartford, from Costa Rica to Safed. Chabad is devoted to providing Jewish education on all levels in a friendly, non-judgmental environment through creative and innovative programs and activities.

To many, the word Chabad connotes a warm smile, an unconditional love for every human being and an extraordinary commitment to Jewish education. Chabad's doors are open to all, regardless of affiliation, background or current level of Jewish practice and knowledge.
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  • Did the Egyptians Actually Practice Magic?The plain reading of the text certainly implies that they did. Read More
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Feb. 13
Daily Thought
Sometimes, it can look like this mitzvah that has come your way is impossible. But there is no such thing as a mitzvah done alone. As soon as you muster up the resolve, space, time, and consciousness converge. You nod your consent, and a flood of generations flows through you to do the rest. Together with you, every Jewish soul, from...
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