Several years ago, The Rashkovsky Family generously donated a Memorial Wall which they dedicated in the loving memory of Oleg (Nachum ben Baruch) o.b.m.
The stately Memorial Wall offers a fitting tribute to the memory of a loved one, ensuring that a yartzeit is never missed.
For a $360 contribution to Chabad of Sunnyvale Memorial Fund, the name of your loved one will be forever enshrined on the Chabad of Sunnyvale Memorial Wall. Each year during the month of the Yartzeit (anniversary of passing), the 'memorial flame' near your loved one's name will be lit and will flicker in remembrance. The 'flame' will also be illuminated whenever the Yizkor Memorial Service is recited in Synagogue, with all the names included in the hallowed 'El Malei Rachamim' prayer in perpetuity.
Payment plans are available.
See below or contact our office at 408.720.0053.
If you would like to pay by check please print out this form and mail it along with your check to:
Chabad of Sunnyvale | 1489 S Mary Avenue | Sunnyvale, CA 94087