You make a living by what you earn. You make a life by what you give. - Winston Churchill
First Class — This Wednesday, May 6th
Beyond Survival: The Purpose for Work and Wealth There is no question that our attitude towards money impacts every area of our lives- our marriages, our peace of mind, even our physical health. So, how much importance does the Torah advise us to put on honest work? Is it good to be rich? What role should earning a living or gathering wealth play in the life of the average Jew? In short, what is the proper balance between the pursuits of materialism and spirituality? |
Achieving Intergrity
A five-part series on Jewish Business Ethics
Join us for a five-part series of classes as we view the world of finance from the Jewish perspective. Using the age-old wisdom of the Torah, we will gain insight and explore dilemmas that we face in business and in the workplace.
We'll learn how the Torah makes sense of the mighty dollar, balances Capitalism with compassion and infuses financial life with awareness and meaning.
Each class is a unique subject; so feel free to attend any or all of the classes in the series.
Five Wednesdays, May 6th - June 3rd
8:00 - 9:00 pm
Instructor: Rabbi Yisroel Hecht
Registration Requested: Click Here;
Information: 408.720.0553 A Project of Chabad of Sunnyvale & Torah Studies by JLI |