Shabbat Shul Experience


Join The Shul at Chabad of Sunnyvale
for Shabbat Davening

The Shul at Chabad of Sunnyvale is geared for both the learner who has never been attended and the well-initiated too. The warm atmosphere of the community and the cleary explained uplifting tfillot are open to all.

At Chabad - everyone is welcomed with a smile.

Friday Evenings:
Mincha/Arvit: 10 Minutes after Candle-Lighting

Saturday Morning
Tanya Class: 9:00 am
Davening Begins: 9:45 am

Torah Reading & Discussion - 11:00 am
Kiddush following Services at 12:30 pm

To sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush in honor of a special family occasion or in memory of a loved one please call: (408 ) 720-0553 or email: [email protected]

Pleas Call for Location